Sunday, June 23, 2013

Morality and SEX

 Sex and Morality


In the 21 Century, it is still amazes me that people say that sex is a moral issue. The moralists say that you are entitled to have sex when you are married. At any other time is immoral. If you live with a partner, not allowed to have sex, and who is not married. If you are just starting out, God forbid you have sex. And surely you are on the list, if you want a dammed night. Then there is also an age limit. Sex when you are listed in your youth in criminal activities.

Where is it? Abstain from sex or age is a concept of chastity as a means. The purpose of chastity is to keep a man faithful husband while he gallivanted course for participation in many wars and jousting tournaments, etc., he did not follow the same rules.

It also aims to ensure that the young woman would not be "dirty" before marriage. It all makes sense. The presence of men, women currently or in the future, it is true, and independently of any other person. On the other hand, it can be started when Christianity for the first time on stage. The Romans and Greeks certainly did not seem to have the same moral dilemma about sex.

Right now, applies this principle to the present day. Young men are allowed and even encouraged in some societies to "sow their oats" before marriage. It is often a matter of great pride that the number of women that a young man has had sex. For a woman to be sexually active with more than one partner is often frowned upon as a shameful activity. Among Muslims traditionally a woman's infidelity, whether real or only suspected, could lead to a kangaroo court and sentenced to death by stoning.

If the idea of ​​morality and sex is so old, why do people still believe in him? In principle, for the same reasons as before. Men want their women among them, and only them. The Christian churches support this principle and the orthodox Muslims have left even the death penalty to deter a woman her husband or become ill. And you know what, churches and mosques are run by men. And guard their territory. Rabies misunderstanding of many Christian denominations, whether the Minister is allowed. And as for Muslims traditionally, they revel in laughter at the thought of a woman who took office in their faith.

I read a story of a married priest, who gave up a higher position in the church because she was pregnant. He had a high position in the Church of England. It's strange that something as natural as the birth of a child as a sin, you can not continue to work in the church. Although he may have had sex pregnant. I think if the Church believes that it is a sin that can not be considered as a support of the senior officials considered. Pregnancy is pretty obvious and not so easy to hide. It's not like abused children who may be buried.

The problem of morality and sex takes your weight on one of the consequences to influence, and be pregnant. If there have immoral sex before marriage, then it can not accept the fact of course that one has or thinking about sex. This means that no contraceptive can be used, such as the use of contraceptives automatically confirm the intention of sex.

For young people, in particular it can be very confusing. They fail to understand the moral issues behind him. Young women do not see themselves as assets of individuals and do not buy the "maintenance from her husband the idea.'' S sex is immoral, therefore, not a logical one to them.

For young men to renounce is ridiculous. They grew up, who said that their parents or older siblings, friends, etc., that do a person take you., The "brand" of the young woman They spend their teenage years continuously focuses on every topic. Some statistics even goes so far as to say that the average young man thinks about sex every few minutes.

In addition, the media in the western world full of stories about sex in the form of photos, movies, television, Internet, whatever. Reality TV shows are often very detailed sexual encounters. The films portray sex, often in detail, and not many movies that some must have been married in question be before. The moral question of sex is not often discussed. It is shown as part of life. The moral question is left to the discussion of loyalty partners.

The issue of abortion raised a heated debate between advocates of life and the people in favor of making women the opportunity to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy. If you take the moral issues and all the girls were on birth control, the issue of abortion is not always come. Comptroller birth, it makes no difference in the level of sexual activity? If not immoral, more important? Besides the question of morality, perhaps not more than has already occurred.    See More

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