Friday, April 12, 2013

100 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blogging

Hundred Ways To Get Traffic on BLOG

Traffic is essential to the success of every webmaster and blogger. No matter how good your content is, it is still necessary to read and is the traffic that makes it possible. This article lists 101 ways you can traffic to your blog.By directing traffic means not only getting more visitors. Before you start driving traffic to your campaign, make sure you set your goals. For example, if you generate traffic for your website for consumers, it is necessary to take charge of demographics. Reach visitors no purchasing power is a waste of time and resources. Similarly, in the blog, if you have targeted traffic from search engines or from the referring site, click-through rate and conversion rate would be too low. 

So let's start with my big list of formula to drive traffic to your blog.

1. Post writing quality:This is the first tip that nobody is going to give. A quality blog with quality content. Write well documented and detailed information.

2. Comments on other blogs:Needless to say, commenting helps in many ways. Free Backlinks and also for personal branding. A rule of thumb to follow: comments only when you have some value to add, so if you like the post and want to show your appreciation, instead of saying "good job", io share that position.

3. Guest post on other blogs.:In the article directory to reduce costs, it is always a good idea to start posting results. With a guest post smart campaign, you can create backlinks HQ and also increase your credibility. To get a good ranking Moz, it's important to get high and backlink your inner pages and now homepage alone.

4. Optimize your blog for search engines.:Yes, I know SEO scare you but I think it is not a rocket science. It's like some of the best practices that everyone should follow. Learn SEO onpage and also on how to provide proper SEO structure in your blog. My suggestion, spend two hours a day studying for SEO and to the end of the month, you can take care of most of the major SEO issues.

5. Participate in forums related to your niche and include a link to your blog in your signature.

6. Make use of trackbacks-A trackback on CopyBlogger sent me more than 20 unique visitors.

7. Write mailing list.:Now, when I wrote the mailing list does not mean go ahead and work as "Top 10" "Top 101", make sure your list is up to the mark and actually contains the "Top" "Best by" instead of random websites or applications on your list.

8. Write the 10 seats.:

9. Write 100 lists like this post.

10. Write about how to drive traffic to the blog:

Need all the traffic and share your strategy that works for you. People like other bloggers who share their secrets instead of keeping them.

11. Build your mailing list:Email marketing has long entered into force and will be there for long. People do not want to miss the email, and by creating a list of direct mailing, really a fortune for himself does.

12. Writing for the web tutorial - As, many of these sites can send thousands of visitors each item.

13. From the work covered by the media - this can only help you get more traffic.

14. Write Link Bait Post.

15. Submit your blog in Technorati, recently was checking my stats and saw that sends me a decent amount of traffic (do not underestimate your traffic).

16. Join the community of blogs (as BlogEngage MMO Social Network)

17. Join the blogger secret club where Retweet and promote other messages - this can only send a decent amount of traffic.

18. Pinging blog:Always ping your blog after writing your blog with a site like pingomatic (Ping O Matic) - this allows multiple sites to cover and and can lead to an influx of blog traffic.

19. Submit your blog to blog carnivals - A good place to start is

20. Start a contest -Who does not like free stuff? Start a blog or contest gift and get targeted subscribers more real. You will be amazed at the response you usually get in the contest. You can always start with 1-2 domination free gift.

21. Create interesting videos related to your niche and mass distribute it to video sites by using a service like

22. Use your blog URL as your signature in your email. (Use WiseStamp addon)

23. Submit your blog feed directories - you can share your blog posts so many sites and thus lead to increased blog traffic.

24. Write a statement about your blog and submit them to free websites press releases.

25. Advertise your blog through Google Adwords.

26. Advertise your blog through Facebook ads.

27. Advertise your blog on your local television station.

28. Advertise your blog on your local radio station.

29. Publish your blog in the local newspaper.

30. Publish your blog in the online yellow pages.

31. Creating a professional Twitter account, with a few followers and start tweeting your blog (be sure to use # hashtags).

32. Add social sharing buttons on your blog (at the end of all posts, preferably) - you get more traffic when people share your posts.

33. Submit your blog to blog directories - which also sent good traffic (especially if you're a new blogger).

34. Submit your blog to web directories - each adds little traffic.

35. Submit articles to article directories.

36. Start a controversial topic - Be careful with this, however, so you will not regret for their actions.

37. Make sure you are listed in DMOZ - is a respected directory and getting listed Google can improve your rankings in the search engines Google and at night, and therefore leads to more traffic.

38. Sue Google or any big company - the media cover and boom you're getting a lot of traffic.

39. Always send your mail to StumbleUpon (be sure to send mails to many other sites so that it will allow you to send spam).

40. Always use these tags in your posts.

41. Answer questions on Yahoo Answers and use your blog as a source.

42. Write a post with top influencers in place, say ten internet marketing blog can Retweet this article and get some traffic.

43. Contact with many bloggers and ask them the same questions, gather all the answers in a post - retweet Most likely.

44. Interviews with key bloggers in your niche - you Retweet and even going to link to your blog.

45. Be the first to cover the top news - great blogs like TechCrunch covered this evening, and get to a source.

46. Get listed in Google News.

47. Write a post with photos only - An excellent example is, the 10 ugliest buildings in the world. (Traffic social bookmarking)

48. Create video message. Video blogging is a great way to go viral.

49. Write posts related to the celebrity eg. What is Michael Jackson's death taught me about blogging.

50. Write efficient, super-duper, killer headlines - headlines matter much nowadays.

51. Is it something that has not been done (sound difficult? Was not without reward).

52. Submit your blog posts to niche social news sites like Sphinn and Bizsugar.

53. Find a lid or through bloggers in your niche and disagree or agree with one of their posts - they want to prove themselves in another post and goes linking to you, and this means more traffic.

54. Advertise your blog on Craigslist.

55. Test and evaluate the products that are related to your niche on Amazon, you can link to your blog in your review.

56. Check this great website related to your niche Alexa and try to link back to your site for review.

57. Send your posts to Digg - try to see what kind of message is famous there, submitting this form will help you get similar results.

58. Contact some of your friends blogs (maybe 10) and ask them to help you share and rate blog posts on social bookmarking sites.

59. Top interview many people in once place.

60. Make a comparison against each of some leading bloggers in your niche.

61. Seeing a celebrity who has many followers and write a post about why the two should not have any fans.

62. Make sure your readers to subscribe to your feed, it will bring about more repeat visitors (which is worth a visit of an hour).

63. Try to be an advanced user of social media.

64. Right influential and advanced users friends.

65. Make it easier to translate the content to your blog - to help you get more international visitors.

66. Check your blog regularly - many people do not relate to Article unprofessional.

67. Launch a product / company very creative / website - a lot of blogs (like TechCrunch) would like to write.

68. Make the news at all costs - people search your name in Google and then come to your website.

69. Sponsored charity and given a link to your blog, they will be very happy to link to you and therefore lead to more traffic.

70. Develop a useful tool, for example. A great SEO tool - which will result in more links to your website and more traffic too.

71. Join a blog webring.

72. Add a forum to your blog.

73. Try to have a blog post - Some of my high traffic messages invited authors.

74. Advertise your blog on billboards and brochures offline - online marketing can also help.

75. Create a custom shirt with your name on it, share some of the other men and independently also make sure that you regularly use.

76. Writing good posts to start [pls Do more] - Many people know and want to read, and wonderful sharing his message.

77. Try to free seminars on blogs in your local area, working with key people there and let them help to build people at once - use the free seminar as an opportunity to advertise your blog.

78. Contest sponsored blogs in your niche - this is a good way to get backlinks and traffic blogs.

79. Make friends with all the leading bloggers in your niche - it can sometimes mentioned which leads to more traffic to you.

80. Type "Ultimate Guide" on something - often goes viral which leads to more retweets, sharing and traffic.

81. Create a survey on a popular topic and publish the results for the public to see - it will lead to backlinks and traffic.

82. Write a blog post that lists the main users of energy in a social bookmarking site in particular - this will lead to more backlinks and traffic.

83. Create a post held people / things / places - for example, "The 10 best cities in the world" (try to make the lines are in place).

84. Regular create infographics.

85. The e-book release and a link to your website for free, you can go viral and lead to more traffic for you - do not speak eBook to build your list, I'm talking about something completely free.

86. Create and submit free CSS templates CSS directory, while linking back to your blog.

87. They have a custom design for your blog on a large plot and tell the developer to show your blog to your gallery.

88. Traffic throwing contest - some people say they do everything possible to send traffic to your blog in a month. Be sure to give a high price sender (the price should be attractive if you want the best).

89. Create a great podcast and submit it to iTunes (with a link to your blog, of course).

90. Try to make it delicious cover.

91. Having a Facebook fan page for your blog - do not know how much traffic I was missing out by not having one until recently.

92. Always a weekly link love post links to 10 or more other bloggers, if you do it consistently you will begin to reach more people link to you in the same way that leads to more traffic.

93. Always do keyword research before writing their messages - many people are losing a lot of search engine traffic because of it.

94. Create a mobile version of your blog - catering for different audiences means more traffic for you, some people just browse from their mobile phones.

95. Create an iPhone app for your website - iPhone is very popular and can increase their power to their advantage.

96. Create a Squidoo lens rich in keywords of your blog.

97. Create your keyword-rich Hub Pages hub for your blog.

98. Participate in the website such as Google Groups, etc.

99. Advertise your website with ads StumbleUpon - the more people like your announcement, the more free traffic you can get.

100. Place your blog address on your business cards - that many people overlook the little things like this, but it works. SEE MORE

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