Friday, April 12, 2013

How many items do I need to get results?

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It is a natural human response to want an idea of ​​pre-calculated the return on investment will we.

 Before you invest in a stock, you would have an idea what stock prices will do in the future so you can determine how much you can get back. If you are learning a new skill, you would know in advance how long it will take to master.

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Often, the question is usually complicated answer because there are so many variables involved. However, despite these variables, all still want to know what we are going to reach an ROI of our efforts. Not surprisingly, one of the most common questions we receive from people who started them on article writing and marketing is, "How many items do I have to write and submit before you actually see results ? "

The truth is that there is no clear answer to this question. Again, it depends on a number of variables. To get an idea of ​​what these variables are and how you can control it to get the results you want, check out this video.Downloadable version:MV4 format format format MOV WMV MP3 Format+

As the video shows, there are several variables that determine the inventory items you need to get results. Here is a summary of the variables:

Content - Put your attention on giving readers a better user experience. Trying to promote and sell your product is something you get to do after you provide good content. Each article should have their views with one-of-a-kind. Once the reader sees you as the expert you are, they will begin to gain confidence in you.

Keywords - Do keyword research to gain an understanding of keywords in your niche and how they fall along the curve of distribution of keywords. Then write articles using keywords and phrases.

Resource Box - After your audience has finished reading an article, you have the opportunity to tell them what to do next to get more information about you. In the resource box, you can share a little about yourself, but the main focus should be your call to action. The resource box should be simple, positive and useful to the reader.

Author Bio - Fill in your author bio and upload a picture to the author to give your profile a personal touch. This will help you get more exposure and gives you the opportunity to develop a higher level of comfort with who you are.

Promotion - As you have a written plan, you should also have a plan to promote the article. Automatically posts your articles Ezine articles recently approved our site and the author's RSS feed. Beyond that, you might consider sharing articles on social networking sites and put a widget or Register Ezine Articles author box warning on its website.

Article Life - Try to make the most of their evergreen article. That means you need to focus on issues relevant long after the publication of the article. Perishable items will continue to bring traffic to your website now and in the coming years.

More Articles - just keep writing and submitting. The more articles you have out there working for you, the more traffic you can expect to receive. A single article can have an overwhelming impact on traffic, but when the inventory item is increased to 25, 50, 100 or more items, over time you will see that the traffic is coming from.

Take control of each of these variables in article writing and marketing plan today. Then write and send a new series of high quality items. You'll be on your way to getting real results you are looking for.

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