Thursday, April 18, 2013

Why start a blog? Benefits and Introduction to Blogging

The Benefits and Introduction to Blogging



 I firmly believe that all people have to seize the opportunity offered by blogs. Some people tend to jump on the blog right away without even understanding what blogging really is. In this article, I hope you can somehow get you started on blogging.

 There are many reasons why people may want to start a blog. Find all the reasons it would be nearly impossible. After all, there are over 150,000,000 blogs out there and I'm sure everyone has different answers to "why have a blog?" question. In this section, I will cover some of the top reasons why you should start blogging today and hopefully will get to decide if blogging is really for you. There are 4 main types of blog and they are:

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1. Society Blogs - Blog run by a company that sells a product or service to people. Most of the time, performing these kinds of blogs to give updates of products / services to its customers and generally created to develop a good relationship with them. A great example of a company blog is the blog of Google, which is the tenth most popular blogs in the world (according to Technorati)

. Personal Blogs - these kinds of blogs are more like an "online diary" in which he writes about his life update, post some pictures and share them with the world changes your cat. (Very similar to how Twitter and Facebook are used today.)

. Blogs that add value - blogs usually start with someone and often led by one. This blog conversations about news and issues specific experience. Blogging tips Problogger words, copy blogger Drafting for SEOBook SEO Tips

. Automated / fake blogs - these are the types of blogs that I recommend, but it deserves a mention, as there are literally millions of them out there. Automated blogs blog setup to scrape content from another blog. Basically, all you do is steal content from other sites and post on your blog automatically using autoblogging software. The owner of this site for hundreds of them and even though each one is only $ 5 a month can make a tidy profit from it.Blog providing value is written with "emphasis" because that's the kind of blog that I recommend to develop. So if you are looking for ways to earn money to create an auto blog spam steals the content of others, this article is not for you and you might be better off looking for a guide to this one of the Black Hat forum. But if you are here to provide value (and earn money doing it at least), then this article might just be all you need to answer - "Why should I start a blog" issue.

These are the 4 main types of blogs and the reasons for creating these include:


 Money is always a great motivator and I can not hide the fact that most bloggers start a blog with the sole purpose of benefiting from it. In fact, (Although it does not sound very nice) I would not be blogging right now if I knew I could make money at it.Note: This blog just for the money is the last thing you want to do. Provide value should be your number one priority and that is something you must always remember. 

Below are some examples of successful blogs that are able to perform their authors - Millionaires:One. - John Chow Blog is a blog that earns over $ 40,000 per month. 

Two. - owned by Pete Cashmore Blog focuses on news media. said in a recent interview that Mashable will earn more than $ 200,000 in monthly revenue. 

Three. - Darren Rowse of Problogger author never revealed his actual income but judging by the number of their subscribers and Alexa statistics, a well of $ 45,000 per month calculation probably enough to say that his win this grand prize each month. 

Of course, the blogs have been online for a long time and each owner will put a lot of work and effort to get where they are today. (Fortuitously, if you want to see more blogs to earn money, you can do it easily by searching your favorite search engine: "Making Money Top Blogs of the World")

While making a monthly income of $ 40,000 sounds good, I still advise you to achieve more realistic target first. $ 5,000 a reasonable entry point and there are thousands of blogs out there to win both. When you reach that point, however, the sky is really the limit. 

Showcase your expertise

 Blogs always a great opportunity to get noticed as a photographer, designer, Guitar tutor, or even a food lover writes about food. No matter what field you selected, blogging is always a good way to make yourself known.

If you have a blog, giving you a value and providing that value method shows its experience in the world. All thanks to the blog, I would not have been able to share my knowledge about making money online as a number of people, including * you * - and that is a good example of how powerful blogging can really be. We have a chance to live.

Ease of use

 Before blogging has never existed, may have been impossible for a regular Joe to start his own website. I would have to pay lots of money for a web designer before everything can be set. But with blogging and CMS software (Content Management Software) was born, life has never been so easy for people (including me) to build a website.

Now, anyone who can type on a keyboard can literally to publish content online. Content not only comes in the form of text, but also video, images - whatever. They can all be easily added to the basic computer skills.

That's just one of the main reasons that I feel every time I see someone blogging. Hopefully it will have the motivation to start blogging today.

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