Thursday, April 11, 2013

How Can You Make Money by Blogging?

As an Average Joe Make Money Blogging


Create a blog these days is about as easy as getting a burger in a fast food restaurant. This article assumes that you can at least install a blog that is a starting point. There are several types of configurations. You can use sites like or blogs for sub domain ed. Or, you can use one of dozens of hosting companies that create a blog with accommodation and finally, you can configure yourself. 

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The reality is that no matter how he got there, only he did at the end of the day, have a configuration blog. However, a note, if you have a blog on a sub domain that could limit what you can do to monetize their efforts and hinder their creativity whatsoever. However, the rest of the article belong to almost any blog.To make a profitable blog needs visitors, a product or service and content. 

Visitors Obviously, build it and they will sound good in the movies, in the world of blogs, if they are not, game over. So when you think of a blog does not think much of you, but your target audience. After all, it is unlikely that you will make money by writing a blog just read. (If you notice, please let me know lol) 

A product or service is a bit more complex. There are many ways to make money online. You can sell advertising space using something like Google Adsense. You can sell Amazon products, etc. DOBA or one of the many affiliate programs out there. The key here is that you have something to answer the question "How can I monetize my blog?" Here we come a little shorter. 

And finally, you need content, content is king, let me tell you once more content is king. If you want to create a blog with no content after they have created is another dead space on the Internet that you can not get more. So you need to think about how you will actually come to the content. Will you get another source of data to write their own content, it will comment on the content people? All these means to get content and be a good blogger can use all or just one. 

So now we know that the three things we need to do a blog, how to tie it all together? How will you drive traffic to your website using the content and turn it into sales that make money? Seems pretty daunting, but it is not. There are a few things you need to learn how to do, but you can learn if you want or you can just ignore the learning and continue to work on this thing 7 clicks of the mouse.So for the sake of argument, let's say you want to make money through Amazon. Amazon is huge, they sell everything, and probably not something that will be able to create a site to cover everything that is there, but they can sell products in a niche or group of items. 

For this example, assume that we want to make an external site. The objective is to sell tents, camping equipment and sell advertising space. The camping area would be using it for something better SEO results.So how do you start? First, as we sell Amazon products, we have set up an Amazon affiliate account. You can easily find how to set this up amazon. 

We also want to create a Google AdSense account so that we can sell advertising space .. 

Once these two things are in place, we will see what is needed for a good blog. In this case, the blog contains information about camping and products that are related. In this case, I have a plugin that brings Amazon products based on keywords. You can do it manually if you are a beginner. Simply create a post that deals with the subject details and links to your affiliate Amazon. Now, if someone finds it and clicking on the link to purchase the product you get an affiliate commission. 

A good blog will start anywhere from 10 to 20 posts to get you off to a good start. 

Once we have put in place we will work on adding AdSense ads. In this case, I have the theme Pro Review and a design that supports 300x250 ads on the right lane. I recommend using 300x250 ads because they seem to convert better. I always put 3 on each blog page. 

I also used to put the most recent posts, recent comments tag clouds instead. 

All this helps to keep the contents a bit more dynamic in nature. In the world of blogging is dynamic and changing a good thing.The last part that was not covered above is the way to bring people together. This is actually easier than you think, if you create a sitemap for your site and submit it to Google and Bing also / Yahoo webmaster tools (both can be found easily by the search engine "search tools appropriate webmaster ") will begin indexing your site sometimes within days. 

This is an absolute must for a blog. You must let the search engines know that having a blog and then you can index the content. Whenever you update your site, update your sitemap.xml file. In this way, the major search engines can find. If you use Word Press (highly recommended) which would have the plugin Google XML Sitemap, so it is very easy to install and operate and maintain the site map to date. 

Now comes the hard part, you can not let your blog sit and wait to be filled. Start or add more content articles you write, or products or anything else. I recommend putting something new at least every three days during the first month, then maybe you can go back to the week. 

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Use the data in webmaster tools to see what your traffic from search engines is similar and what keywords are good and evil. If a key position moving from page 2 maybe you could add more content to help you on the first page. 

The author of this article also a successful blog, you will find a variety of products for survival camping, campers weekend to core nature lover. We have tents, kitchens and more.

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